so, i mentioned in my last post (forever ago) that jacob and i played a little license plate game while on the road for 17 hours. it was fun. maybe a little weird how fun it was.
we got all but three – Rhode island, Delaware, and Connecticut. we have both been plagued with a thrill of the hunt and cannot stop looking at license plates even now that we are back in town. crazy! take today for instance, my 2nd Alaska for the week, California, South Carolina, North Carolina, but, alas, those three New England states evade us. boo!
okay, now for some more pictures of our trip to my sister’s house.
star wars trivial pursuit - blurry
pikes peak in the background
cassie’s shot – i love it
boys and all grown-up
tough choices
purple mountain’s majesty
two of nature’s beauties – one a little more sunshiny than the other
downtown denver
garden of the gods – colorado springs
dinner made by the girls and “whoa this is dangerous”
dinner of buffalo, elk, ostrich, and rattlesnake
they get their blue eyes from their mama
aspiring baker and wii dance
baby bed, nursery rocker, yard sale finds, and our basic luggage – packed.
a good trip. a very good trip.