December 24, 2009

and hearts will be glowing

Can you finish the line in that song?

Jacob and I are essentially done with Christmas. We will be heading out to his folks’ house later today to have a small family meal. It won’t be anything extravagant.

No worries though. We did celebrate in grand fashion already. All of his family got together last weekend and earlier this week to celebrate.

Jacob’s extended family on his dad’s side all get together every year for a Grab Bag Christmas. Jacob’s grandmother sit has two bags, one for the kids and another for the big kids. Mrs. Claus (Jacob’s grandmother) and Santa Claus (Jacob’s dad) man the bags so there is no peaking. There are always some really crazy gifts and you never know what is really in the box until you open it. It’s great!

This year we had about 45 people and I think 17 of them were GiGi’s great-grandchildren. Three of the cousins are pregnant. so there will be even more next year. Isn’t that amazing?

Then, we had Jacob’s family Christmas Monday night. We really only get the kids presents and then Jacob’s parents. We got the kids flashlights and headlamps. (You can see why back in this post) Taran and his wife brought the best two presents ever though. They made a slideshow dvd of all the old-timey slide pictures of my mother-in-law when she lived in India AND their brand new 10 day old baby girl. Yep, they top as the best gifts this year.

A bunch of pictures from the weekend.

086 This train set belonged to Jacob’s grandpa. It is 71 years old and still works!
063 a little premature unwrapping
042 having a blast on the zip line
157 uncle jacob with battery duty on new toys

There are so many more I wish I could share. Hope you have had the most wonderful time of the year with your loved ones so dear.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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