the weekend went by quickly. it was definitely a good one though. it was one of those weekends that was relaxed and unscheduled. we did not have to be anywhere at any special time - that was nice after the week we were wrapping up. i am kind of selfish with those "down" times and this weekend certainly catered to our homebody natures. to me, those are the best kind of weekends.

it started with happy mail for chloe. if you haven't seen or heard of Books from Birth go check it out. it is a teacher-mama's dream come true.
plus, this book is one of my favorites. back in the fall our school participated in Read for the Record and this was the book to read this year. it is such a cute, animated story and sparks so much conversation and teachable moments. i think it will certainly be one of chloe's favorites!

saturday morning was all about cleaning and clearing out the house. this is where one of our two vintage chairs sat in our living room. we decided it was time for a change. we sold them on craigslist and they went within an hour! can't wait for our new chairs to get here.

chloe spent most of her day pushing her new stroller around. consignment sales rock - nuff said.

made a Goodwill run and found the number one item on my wish list. how often does that happen? scored this cute dress for a v-day date with my love. it was only $5! woot-woot!

Bible class Sunday, we were in Acts 8. simon the sorcerer has always been made out to be the bad guy. but this time i found him simply ignorant and quickly changed by the spirit once he was shown the truth. and someone made an amazing point about Philip and the eunuch. i'm gonna paraphrase here > Philip was told to go near and wait for the carriage, then the eunuch invited him in to read. Are we at a point in our lives that we can listen when we are called and then be invited into "someone's carriage"? some good meat to chew on.

the rest of the day was spent immersed in laundry and shopping the house to springerize our bedroom. hmmm, wishing i could spend a little more time in this pretty bed.
have a happy week!